Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cheerleader Friday Night

We had a great time at the football game last night. Grace got to cheer the second half of the game for a little bit. At first she didn't want to but as soon as she saw all the other girls and her "cheer teachers" she was on board. It was really neat that so many people game to the game to see her cheer. My Mom and Dad, Brooks' Mom and Grandma Martha, Aunt Jen, Uncle Steve, Dave & Sidina Dwigans(who are friends of ours), and of course Brooks and I. I was excited too because the cheerleaders bought me a t-shirt to match all the girls for helping out with the clinic. I thought that was very nice and thanked all of them. Well now on to the pictures! The Saints also won big time!!!

Last night was also one of the nights that the Drill Team danced, there was flag football at half time as well. It was a very busy night for almost all parents in town!!!


missy said...

Grace looks like she is having a great time!!!! and it was an AWESOME nite to watch football!!! i loved when the little kids did the cookie monster cute is that!!!!!