Monday, March 2, 2009

Meet the "Other Family"

I would like to introduce the other family that lives in our house. Brooks is the dad, he works nights and sleeps during the day, he also likes to take showers and clean the toilet. Kelley is the mom, she enjoys rocking in her rocking chair with one of the twins on her lap and answering the phone. The big sister is Grace, she likes to sit in her very own recliner and to take naps with mom and dad. The twins are Molly and Ross, they like to practice on the potty and take naps. They recently had their pictures taken.
Grace has a wonderful imagination. Although some of the family members closely resemble her own family, I could not tell you when or even if the real Brooks has ever cleaned a toilet. She also likes to let pretend Grace take naps with mom and dad because in real life she wishes she could sleep with us all the time. As for Molly and Ross, well they are actual people too! They are kids of friends of ours and are two really great kids. Molly goes to Iowa State University and is a beautiful person inside and out. Ross is in the eighth grade and is just a really good kid. Grace in secretly in love with Ross, but I tell her he is too old for her :)

Back row: Brooks & Kelley...Front Row: Molly, Grace, and Ross

Grace, Molly and Ross

Mom and Dad


Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

HAHAHAHA! That's a great post, very creative!