Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nice Weather

Our picnic area

We decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather we had yesterday and the fact that Brooks didn't have to work last night and went to the lake. We went to Elk Rock found a nice place to walk in the timber. Our original plan was to walk down to the lake and have a picnic. The place we choose did not allow access to the lake unless you are a really good climber. The path we took ended up going straight down! We found a tree and a somewhat level place to put the blanket down and enjoy our Lunchables! We took some pictures and had a really good time. We went driving around the campgrounds and Grace ended up getting to get out and see some horses that were camping there with their owners. We then drove over to Cordova Park, which is still at the lake, and walked out to the cliffs. This is the same place I took Grace's three year old picks (see previous post We got some great looking pics there too as the sun was setting with wonderful orange and pinks. As we were leaving we got to see about five deer.

Nice view from the road

Mom, Grace, and Dad

Pretty Sunset

Kelley & Brooks

Mom and her baby girl!
Daddy's Girl!

A deer


missy said...

i love the sunset picture it looks like you are on some tropical island!!!! i know the weather is awesome..we have to take advantage...before long it is going to snow!!!!! yikes i am not ready for that yet!!!

Tyler-Ashlee's Mommy said...

Great'd you take them?

The DeHeer's said...

I finally figured out a couple months ago that i had a timer on my camera. i just set the camera on a log and a rock to get all three of us and the one of just brooks and i.